Alaska Bilder

Die auf dieser Seite dargestellten Alaska-Bilder unterliegen dem Copyright von Phillip Greenspun
Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Phillip Greenspun
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_____Bilder von P.Greenspun_____
[ Bilder 3a ] [ Bilder 3b ] [ Bilder 3c ] [ Bilder 3d ] [ Bilder 3e ] [ Bilder 3f ] [ Bilder 3g ] [ Bilder 3h ] [ Bilder 3i ]

:: Alaskabilder von P. Greenspun
Philip at the Welcome to Alaska sign on the Alaska Highway, July 4, 1993. 

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

Flying Alaska Range to King Salmon over the snowfield-covered mountains that form the Alaska Peninsula.

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

Milepost 1422, the end of the Alaska Highway. Delta Junction, Alaska.

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

Brooks Falls, Katmai National Park (Alaska)

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

Brooks Falls, Katmai National Park (Alaska)

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

Brooks Falls, Katmai National Park (Alaska)

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

Brooks Falls, Katmai National Park (Alaska)

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

:: Alaskabilder von P. Greenspun
Brooks Falls, Katmai National Park (Alaska)

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

Overview of Brooks Falls, Katmai National Park (Alaska)

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

Chairs stacked on the deck of an Alaska Marine Highway ferry.

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

Typical view from an Alaska Marine Highway ferry.

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

Tents on an Alaska Marine Highway ferry.

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

Brown bear stripping the (fatty) skin off a live salmon; Brooks Falls, Katmai National Park (Alaska)

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun


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